SO, I was surfing the blogs I love, and came across some nurseries. Don't tell my MIL.
These are from sarah.wandering.

This one *maybe* borders on shabby chic, but not enough for me to not like it. I really love the yellow. I'm kind of suddenly into it. The birdhouses make the sparrows on the ceiling just that much cuter. This would be a really cute room for someone who doesn't know the gender of the baby on the way. Throw some more masculine items in there (I'm thinking old trucks, maybe puppies or bears) for a boy, and cute it up for a girl (more lace and cutesy bears).
It's the brown and white. LOVE IT. I also really enjoy the graphic print of the wallpaper. There's a lot about the room that I love. The dual windows with their seats, the shelves between the windows, the FLOOR! I really like the green in there with the plants too. I think I might try and find a long-living green plant that stays nicely small and put it in the window when I have a baby pv.
LOVE this tree! Even I could do something like this. That's kind of a big deal. (for those who may not know - this doesn't include my only two readers...haha - I'm not exactly the crreative type.) This may even kind of go with the first one. The birdhouse really sold it for me. :) I like that the tree is kind of silver. That makes it a little more glamorous. I likes.
I'm really not sure which part of this room I like better - the color blocks, the wallpaper monkey, the beautiful bed and crisp linens on it, the mobile... I think the biggest seller of this one is the fact that the walls in the room that will "eventually" be a baby's room are this exact color. :) I really like this room. It's pretty much a great, graphic, modern room for either a boy or a girl.
I'm so telling mom. :)